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A Diamond-built Quantum Microscope

A Diamond-built Quantum Microscope

Through the diamond-built probe, quantum microscope can help researchers to study the mysteries of nanoscale microscopic worlds, such as how DNA is folded in cells, how drugs work, how bacteria metabolize metals, etc. It is essential that the quantum microscope can separate the ions in the solution to reveal the biochemical reactions, taking place without interfering with the reaction process.


To build a quantum magnetic resonance microscope, researchers use a width of 2 mm and the crystal contains atomic defects in the diamond. These defects are sensitive to changes in the magnetic field and can be resonated with the spin of the molecules or ions by "FM". When diamonds are exposed to green light, the diamond will emit red fluorescence, and the intensity of the fluorescence depends on the intensity and direction of the magnetic field.

University of Melbourne, Australia physicist Hollenberg, Simpson and their colleagues used diamonds in the vicinity of the surface with a defective array, the diamond was placed close to the end of the microscope and observed samples. They modulate the response frequency of the defect to spin resonance with copper ions (Cu2 +) that lack two electrons. When the diamond probe contacts the surface containing the copper ion sample, the frequency resonance between them stimulates the fluorescence at the defect of the diamond. Then they use the computer program to detect the color of the defective diamond at the fluorescence and reconstruct the image of the sample, to locate the exact location of each copper ion.


Friedemann Reinhard, a physicist at the Technical University of Munich, praised the achievement. "Their innovation has made the technology significantly shorter from the practical application." he said. And his team is dealing with diamond microscopes with the goal of constructing a system that can image 3D molecules.

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